Fair Use Act Disclaimer
This website RDS Kendra, accessible at https://rdskendra.co.in, is provided for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this website may contain copyrighted material, the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. However, we believe that this use constitutes fair use as defined in the United States Copyright Act.
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Please note that the fair use doctrine is a complex and fact-specific area of law. Our interpretation of fair use may differ from the opinion of others. This disclaimer is not intended to override any copyright laws, but rather to provide a framework for the usage of copyrighted materials in accordance with fair use principles.
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Please consult a legal professional for advice on copyright matters and fair use if you have any concerns or questions.
Thank you.
Name: Aftab Ahmad
Website Name: RDS Kendra
Website URL: https://rdskendra.co.in
E-Mail ID: [email protected]